Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Email List for Southern "Insiders"

In an effort to keep the unnecessary emails to a minimum, we have created a separate mailing list for Southern Little League "Insiders."

Who are "Insiders"?
Coaches, assistant coaches, each team's "team parent," umpires, league directors, board members and any other folks who want to get emails intended for this narrower audience. (Just to clarify, the term "Team Parent" here does not mean every parent of every player. The "Team Parent" is the one parent on each team who has volunteered to help the coach organize the team's picture day, raffle sales, snack schedule, etc.)

If you're a Southern "Insider," please read the details and sign up here. It's the best way for you to get the announcements you need.

Everyone else, you can sit back and be assured that you'll still be getting all the announcements that might matter to you, but not those intended for the narrower "insider" audience.

Questions? Contact the webmaster.