Saturday, May 8, 2010

All Games are ON as Scheduled Sat-8-May

We know it's damp and chilly today, but the fields are in playable condition. So we're going ahead with all 26 scheduled games at Southern today.

Some of you may have inadvertently received an email at around 1:00am about games being canceled. That email was just an accidental repeat of the cancellation of Friday night's games. Sorry for any inconvenience.

We apologize, too, for the short time between reminding you that all Friday's games were on at about 4:00pm, only to then tell you 30 minutes later that they are all canceled. We do our best to keep you informed. The weather and hence field conditions change by the minute. We still recommend that you always check your email and/or the website before heading off to Southern. If you get there and discover that the games have been canceled, you can be assured that we did our utmost to get that word out to our 900 participants as quickly as we could.

Sorry again for any inconvenience.