These are the team rosters for the Minors Baseball League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. Click here to open this document on its own for downloading or printing.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
2011 78ers Baseball Rosters
These are the team rosters for the 78ers (coach pitch) Baseball League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. Click here to open this document on its own for downloading or printing.
10:16 AM

78ers Baseball Coaches: Rosters are available
78ers baseball coaches: The rosters are now available on the coaches page. For now, these rosters are password-protected and not yet available to all the general public. We'll be publishing the final rosters for all players and families to see later this week.
9:42 AM

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
2011 Juniors Baseball Rosters
These are the team rosters for the Juniors Baseball League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. Click here to open this document on its own for downloading or printing.
8:32 PM

2011 Majors Baseball Rosters
These are the team rosters for the Majors Baseball League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. Click here to open this document on its own for downloading or printing.
11:13 AM

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Minors Baseball Coaches: Rosters are available
Minors baseball coaches: The rosters are now available on the coaches page. For now, these rosters are password-protected and not yet available to all the general public. We'll be publishing the final rosters for all players and families to see later this week.
11:58 PM

Majors Baseball Coaches: Rosters are available
Majors baseball coaches: The rosters are now available on the coaches page. For now, these rosters are password-protected and not yet available to all the general public. We'll be publishing the final rosters for all players and families to see later this week.
1:21 PM

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Coaches: Equipment Checklist
The following items are provided by Southern Little League and will be handed out prior to the season. Dates to follow.
This list does not include shirts and jerseys that are provided as well.
Other than T-shirts, all equipment must be returned at the end of the season.
Equipment Checklist
Each coach should receive the following:
7/8er Team
Minor Team
Majors Team
Junior Team
Senior Team
Big League Team
Minor Softball Team
Major/Junior Softball Team
This list does not include shirts and jerseys that are provided as well.
Other than T-shirts, all equipment must be returned at the end of the season.
Equipment Checklist
Each coach should receive the following:
7/8er Team
- 5 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Baseball Bat
- Practice Balls - Soft/Flex Balls
Minor Team
- 5 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Catchers Glove
- Practice Balls
- Game Balls – 18 DLL1
- Baseball Bat - Optional
- Score Book (Small Diamond Format)
Majors Team
- 5-6 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Catchers Glove
- Practice Balls
- Game Balls – 18 DLL1
- Baseball Bat – not supplied
- Score Book (Small Diamond Format)
Junior Team
- 5-6 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Catchers Glove
- Practice Balls
- Game Balls – supplied by umpires
- Baseball Bat – not supplied
- Score Book (Big Diamond Format)
Senior Team
- 6 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment – Check w/ Coach, quite often catcher will have his own
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Catchers Glove
- Practice Balls
- Game Balls – supplied by umpires
- Baseball Bat – not supplied
- Score Book (Big Diamond Format)
Big League Team
- 6-7 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment – Check w/ Coach, quite often catcher will have his own
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guardo
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Catchers Glove
- Practice Balls
- Game Balls – supplied by umpires
- Baseball Bat – not supplied
- Score Book (Big Diamond Format)
Minor Softball Team
- 5 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Practice Balls – 11” Softballs
- Game Balls – 12-18 11” Softball
- Softball Bat
- Score Book (Small Diamond Format)
Major/Junior Softball Team
- 5-6 Batting Helmets
- Catchers Equipment
- Catchers Mask w/ Throat Guard
- Chest Protector
- Shin Guards
- Practice Balls – 12” Softballs
- Game Balls – 12-18 12” Softball
- Softball Bat
- Score Book (Small Diamond Format)
10:19 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Verify that Your Child is Signed Up
Parents, if you're not sure if your child's registration has been processed, you can check our roster here.
Click here if you cannot see the roster above.
If you have any questions or concerns, call Mark Norton at 954-0504. Make your message only your name and clearly state your phone number twice.
Click here if you cannot see the roster above.
If you have any questions or concerns, call Mark Norton at 954-0504. Make your message only your name and clearly state your phone number twice.
9:40 PM

Tryout Session and Umpire Meeting Reminder
A reminder that the tryout session is scheduled for Saturday, March 26, at the East Grand Rapids High School gymnasium. Only certain players need to attend, so please take the time to read through the information about tryout day to determine if and when your child needs to be there. Click here to read all the details.
Softball players will not be having a tryout session. They can expect to be contacted by coaches once the rosters are finalized.
Also, a change in policy from previous years: If your child is 10 years old and wishes to try out for the Major League (baseball), he or she must be present at tryouts. Otherwise, 10-year-olds will be placed in the Minor League by default. Also, all 10 year olds who are new to Southern this year should plan to come to the tryouts.
Finally, umpires, don't forget the informational meeting immediately following the tryouts.
7:48 PM

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Important Dates for Southern Softball and Baseball
Opening Days:
Team Tournaments Start Dates:
- Coach Pitch, Minor, Major and Junior Baseball: April 22
- Major and Minor Softball: April 22 (tentative)
- Junior Softball: some time after Memorial Day
- Senior Baseball: May 31
- Senior Softball: mid-June (tentative)
Team Tournaments Start Dates:
- Major Baseball and Softball: June 17
- Junior Baseball: June 17
- Junior Softball: June 24
- Senior Softball and Baseball: June 27
11:11 AM

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Sign-Up Extended Until March 22
The deadline to sign up has been extended through Tue-22-Mar. You can read all the details about signing up here. Hurry! Space is limited.
2:05 PM

Monday, March 14, 2011
Sign-up Deadline is TOMORROW
Remember to sign up for softball and baseball before the deadline of March 15. Click here to read all the details about signing up.
10:01 AM

District 9 Baseball Coaching Clinic
On Sunday, March 20, District 9 will be hosting a coaching clinic. We encourage Southern's coaches to attend. Click here to view, print or download the brochure and registration form.
9:59 AM

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