Thursday, June 29, 2017
Congratulations Team Dwortz Majors Class B Champs!
Southern's majors baseball team sponsored by Lambert-Edwards and coached by Rob Dwortz won the Class B District 9 team tournament last night. Way to go, guys!
1:28 PM

Tonight at Southern: Seniors All-Stars at 6:00pm
Southern's Seniors Baseball All-Stars defeated Kelloggsville 16-0 last night at Southern in the first round of the all-star tournament. They play Pinery Park at Southern tonight at 6:00pm. Please come out and cheer on our seniors all-stars.
1:00 PM

Congratulations Team Marshall Juniors Class F Champs!
Southern's juniors baseball team sponsored by Smitter Pest Control and coached by Tony Marshall won the Class F District 9 team tournament last night. You made all of us at Southern proud, boys!
11:21 AM

Congratulations Team White Juniors Class G Champs!
Southern's juniors baseball team sponsored by Bleakley, Cypher, Parent, Warren, and Quinn, P.C. and coached by Mark White and Chris Burgess won the Class G District 9 team tournament last night. Great job, guys!
11:00 AM

Congratulations Team Stadel Juniors Class D Champs!
Southern's juniors baseball team sponsored by Web Traffic Partners and coached by Nick Stadel won the Class D District 9 team tournament last night. Great job, boys!
10:58 AM

Congratulations Team Kolk Juniors Class C Champs!
Southern's juniors baseball team sponsored by Caldwell Banker and coached by Tim Kolk and Perry Gooch won the Class C District 9 team tournament last night. Great job, boys!
8:42 AM

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Tonight at Southern: Seniors All-Stars vs Kelloggsville 5:30pm
Southern's Seniors Baseball All-Stars take on Kelloggsville tonight at Southern. The game starts at 5:30pm. Come out and cheer on your Southern All-Stars!
10:24 AM

Congratulations, Coach Conway's Juniors Team!
Last night Coach Conway's juniors baseball team clinched the championship in the Class B Juniors Baseball District Team Tournament. Eddie Kuzner also coached the team on to victory. Their team sponsor is Hoekstra Transportation. Congratulations, boys, you made Southern proud!
9:03 AM

Friday, June 23, 2017
Congratulations, 2017 Seniors Baseball Champions!
This year's champions of the seniors baseball division is Coach Billo's team, sponsored by Fox Motors.
6:40 AM

Thursday, June 22, 2017
Congratulations 2017 Seniors Baseball All-Stars!
Manager: Jamie Billo
Coach: Jim Passinault
Coach: Pat Batka
Joe Collins
Luke Passinault
Nate Trudeau
Luke Elzinga
Ben Joppich
Nick Lambert
John Shelton
Kyle Tepper
Keegan Batka
Myles Beale
Micah Baerman
Peter Kratt
Jack Billo
Billy Bernecker
Reilly O’Connor
Matt Moore
Coach: Jim Passinault
Coach: Pat Batka
Joe Collins
Luke Passinault
Nate Trudeau
Luke Elzinga
Ben Joppich
Nick Lambert
John Shelton
Kyle Tepper
Keegan Batka
Myles Beale
Micah Baerman
Peter Kratt
Jack Billo
Billy Bernecker
Reilly O’Connor
Matt Moore
5:12 PM

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Congratulations 2017 11-Year-Old Baseball East All-Stars!
Manager: Steve Seth
George Bernecker
Ben Billo
Phillip Blackport
Luke Bertke
Frank Debartolo
Leland Whinery
Sam Tietema
Jackson Groen
Zeke Heerema
Logan McCahill
Parker Seth
Scott Millman
Rieden McIntosh
George Bernecker
Ben Billo
Phillip Blackport
Luke Bertke
Frank Debartolo
Leland Whinery
Sam Tietema
Jackson Groen
Zeke Heerema
Logan McCahill
Parker Seth
Scott Millman
Rieden McIntosh
12:39 PM

Congratulations 2017 11-Year-Old Baseball West All-Stars!
Manager: Greg Sova
Charlie Hoekstra
Levi Bodziak
Tommy Cavanaugh
Abram Eckley
Ethan Ogle
Andrew Sova
Nate Sova
Mark Vogel
Nick Southerington
Matt Stotts
Will Tewinkle
Isaiah Bos
Will Vanderboegh
Charlie Hoekstra
Levi Bodziak
Tommy Cavanaugh
Abram Eckley
Ethan Ogle
Andrew Sova
Nate Sova
Mark Vogel
Nick Southerington
Matt Stotts
Will Tewinkle
Isaiah Bos
Will Vanderboegh
12:39 PM

Thursday, June 15, 2017
Congratulations 2017 Juniors Baseball West All-Stars!
Manager: Chris Lee
Coach: Jack Conway
Coach: Tony Marshall
Declan Lee
Aidan Gardner
Marcellus VanderKodde
Aiden Stadel
Jerry Crampton
Thomas Edwards
Ian Dana-Walshots
Isaiah Hicks
Jose Molero
Peter Bos
Luke Conway
Dominic Vicari
Mekhi James
5:32 PM

Congratulations 2017 Juniors Baseball East All-Stars!
Manager: Tim Kolk
Coach: Perry Gooch
Coach: Kevin Burns
Grady Gooch
Alex Kolk
Nate Milanowski
Patrick Burns
Chris Baranoski
Kyle Kirk
Trevor Seth
Jake Passinault
Jake Myers
Jake Noordewier
Brady Plachecki
Luke Aardema
Sean Murphy
Coach: Perry Gooch
Coach: Kevin Burns
Grady Gooch
Alex Kolk
Nate Milanowski
Patrick Burns
Chris Baranoski
Kyle Kirk
Trevor Seth
Jake Passinault
Jake Myers
Jake Noordewier
Brady Plachecki
Luke Aardema
Sean Murphy
5:29 PM

Congratulations, 2017 Minors Baseball Champions!
This year's champions of the minors baseball division is Coach Kuzner's team, sponsored by Betten Baker Chevrolet, with an undefeated 14-0 record!
1:44 AM

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Congratulations 2017 Majors Baseball East All-Stars!
Manager: Mark White
Coach: Joel Passinault
Coach: Peter Stuursma
Preston Bergstrom
Jack Bertke
Drew Caswell
Nick Collins
Ethan Deblecourt
Luke Gelderloos
JT Lamange
Aidan O’Connor
Liam O’Malley
Ben Passinault
Camden Seth
Mitchell Stuursma
Mitchell White
Coach: Joel Passinault
Coach: Peter Stuursma
Preston Bergstrom
Jack Bertke
Drew Caswell
Nick Collins
Ethan Deblecourt
Luke Gelderloos
JT Lamange
Aidan O’Connor
Liam O’Malley
Ben Passinault
Camden Seth
Mitchell Stuursma
Mitchell White
4:56 PM

Congratulations 2017 Majors Baseball West All-Stars!
Manager: Rob Dwortz
Coach: Matt Vriesenga
Coach: Andy Vanderboegh
Robbie Dwortz
Zach Vriesenga
Kerry McCarthy
Daniel McIntyre
Peter Heintz
Ethan Rapoport
Christopher Tepper
Christian Burgess
Cole Knuble
Isaac Herford
Micah Daniels
Cole Miller
Landon Batch
Coach: Matt Vriesenga
Coach: Andy Vanderboegh
Robbie Dwortz
Zach Vriesenga
Kerry McCarthy
Daniel McIntyre
Peter Heintz
Ethan Rapoport
Christopher Tepper
Christian Burgess
Cole Knuble
Isaac Herford
Micah Daniels
Cole Miller
Landon Batch
4:55 PM

Monday, June 12, 2017
Schedule Change in Seniors Baseball: Batka/Passinault
Sat-17-Jun: The Batka vs Passinault game has been rescheduled to 11:30am. The Billo vs Sullivan game will remain at 2:00pm as originally scheduled.
4:46 PM

Final Pairings for Majors Baseball Games This Week
The final games of the season in majors baseball are based on the standings. We have assigned those last games, and they are now available on the schedule page for majors baseball as follows:
- Monday: Bernecker vs Vanderboegh 5:30pm
- Monday: Dwortz vs Turner 7:30pm
- Tuesday: White vs Moore 5:30pm
- Tuesday: Sova vs Passinault 7:30pm
- Wednesday: Seth vs Gelderloos 5:30pm
All games on the east field.
4:44 AM

Saturday, June 10, 2017
Congratulations 2017 Minors Baseball East All-Stars!
Manager: Kip Doezema
Assistant: John VanGessel
Josh McCune
Daniel Klein
Sean Murray
Patrick O’Malley
Mark VanHekken
Ben DeYoung
Parker DeHoek
Luke VanGessel
Myles Gabridge
Gavin Buck
Cameron Maley
Tyler DeBoer
Will Doezema
Assistant: John VanGessel
Josh McCune
Daniel Klein
Sean Murray
Patrick O’Malley
Mark VanHekken
Ben DeYoung
Parker DeHoek
Luke VanGessel
Myles Gabridge
Gavin Buck
Cameron Maley
Tyler DeBoer
Will Doezema
8:41 AM

Congratulations 2017 Minors Baseball West All-Stars!
Manager: Nick Stadel
Assistant: Jason Kehr
Carter Vriesenga
Quintin Thomas
Andrew Owings
Tommy Rosmarin
Carson Stadel
Tripp DeBoer
John Richards
Nigel Doyle
Zach Fouch
Theo Kirchgessner
Harris Kehr
Pierson Kortman
Max Gaiser
Assistant: Jason Kehr
Carter Vriesenga
Quintin Thomas
Andrew Owings
Tommy Rosmarin
Carson Stadel
Tripp DeBoer
John Richards
Nigel Doyle
Zach Fouch
Theo Kirchgessner
Harris Kehr
Pierson Kortman
Max Gaiser
8:41 AM

Thursday, June 8, 2017
Game Added in Juniors Softball: Hurlburt/Huey
Thu-15-Jun: Hurlburt will play Huey at 6:00pm on the JC West field.
8:05 PM

Congratulations, 2017 Majors Baseball Champions!
This year's champions of the majors baseball division is Scott Bernecker's team, sponsored by West Michigan Sports Commission.
1:26 PM

Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Schedule Change in Seniors Baseball: Batka/Billo/Sullivan/Passinault
- Batka vs Billo has been rescheduled to 7:30pm.
- Sullivan vs Passinault has been rescheduled to 5:30pm.
1:58 PM

Monday, June 5, 2017
Scheduled Change in Majors Softball
The Majors Softball game originally scheduled for Mon-5-Jun at 5:30pm has been postponed until Mon-12-Jun at 5:30pm on JC West field.
6:44 AM

Sunday, June 4, 2017
Schedule Change in Seniors Baseball: Batka/Billo/Sullivan/Passinault
- Batka vs Billo has been rescheduled to 7:45pm.
- Sullivan vs Passinault has been rescheduled to 5:30pm.
9:43 PM

Saturday, June 3, 2017
Saturday, June 3, is Family Day. Games start at 8:30am and continue all day. Lots of other activities will be going on all day long, so bring the whole family - Grandma, Grandpa, aunts, and uncles.
- Marinated sirloin steak-on-a-stick
- Teriyaki chicken kabobs
- 1/3 pound jumbo hamburgers, jumbo hot dogs, and fresh brats
- Famous sauteed onions and all your favorite condiments
- Corn-on-the-cob
- Double water slide
- Bounce land
- Reminder: Please sell your raffle tickets and turn in the money and stubs before the deadline at 2:00pm on Saturday. Look for the raffle table near the concession stand.
- The big raffle drawing will take place at 7:00pm.
- Plan on staying for the Minors and Majors Baseball All-Star Games at 7:30pm.
- It's not too late to volunteer to help out: click here.
- We have a separate sign-up for grill volunteers here.
Weather Updates:
- Sign up to get notified by text message of any cancellations or schedule changes due to the weather. It is SO simple to sign up. Click here.
5:29 AM

Friday, June 2, 2017
IMPORTANT! Raffle Tickets
Please sell your raffle tickets and turn them in by 4:00pm on Saturday!
The 4:00pm deadline is for those who wish to be eligible for prizes.
Otherwise, you can still turn in your raffle tickets until 6:00pm on Saturday.
We cannot stress enough how important the raffle fundraiser is for Southern Little League.
Thanks in advance for all of your support!
Volunteers: Please turn your team's volunteer form for Family Day in to the
concession stand sometime FRIDAY NIGHT so we can be organized.
Thanks again,
Sara Stadel
Kari DeBoer
Wendi Moore
The 4:00pm deadline is for those who wish to be eligible for prizes.
Otherwise, you can still turn in your raffle tickets until 6:00pm on Saturday.
We cannot stress enough how important the raffle fundraiser is for Southern Little League.
Thanks in advance for all of your support!
Volunteers: Please turn your team's volunteer form for Family Day in to the
concession stand sometime FRIDAY NIGHT so we can be organized.
Thanks again,
Sara Stadel
Kari DeBoer
Wendi Moore
10:09 AM

Thursday, June 1, 2017
2017 Fall Ball Coach Pitch Roster
These are the team rosters for the Fall Ball Coach Pitch League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. You can also download this document as a PDF or CSV (to open with Excel).
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
3:15 PM

2017 Fall Softball Roster
These are the team rosters for the Fall Softball League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. You can also download this document as a PDF or CSV (to open with Excel).
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
3:12 PM

2017 Fall Ball Seniors Roster
These are the team rosters for the Fall Ball Senior League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. You can also download this document as a PDF or CSV (to open with Excel).
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
3:11 PM

2017 Fall Ball Juniors Roster
These are the team rosters for the Fall Ball Junior League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. You can also download this document as a PDF or CSV (to open with Excel).
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
3:10 PM

2017 Fall Ball Majors Roster
These are the team rosters for the Fall Ball Major League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. You can also download this document as a PDF or CSV (to open with Excel).
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
3:09 PM

2017 Fall Ball Minors Roster
These are the team rosters for the Fall Ball Minor League. If you see any misspellings or other discrepancies, please email the webmaster. You can also download this document as a PDF or CSV (to open with Excel).
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
You may need to scroll down inside this list to see to the bottom.
2:57 PM

Did You Know? Southern Offers Fall Ball!
With the summer season in full swing, now is a good time to remind folks that Southern also offers Fall Ball.
Fall Ball starts in late August with Sunday afternoon games for eight weeks. With leagues for players in coach pitch, minors, majors, and juniors, it's a great way to keep the summer fun rolling.
You may have seen a notice from another league offering fall baseball, but that's only for leagues who don't offer their own fall program.
We'll send out signup information in July, so stay tuned for more information on Southern Fall Ball.
1:31 PM

Grill Volunteers Needed for Family Day
Saturday is Family Day, and we still need volunteers to take a turn at the grill. Click here to sign up.
Please Note: This is separate from the volunteer form that each team received. Those forms need to be completed and turned in by Friday.
Please Note: This is separate from the volunteer form that each team received. Those forms need to be completed and turned in by Friday.
11:30 AM

2017 Fall Ball Juniors Schedule
- Please remember to sign up for email updates. That way you won't miss any schedule changes or weather updates.
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- We do not record final scores or keep standings in this league.
- Changes made to the original schedule will be announced via email and marked on the schedule with a C in the C column. Rescheduled rain-outs are denoted by an R in that column.
- Click here to view this schedule on its own page.
- Click here to download this schedule as a PDF you can print.
9:50 AM

2017 Fall Ball Minors Schedule
- Please remember to sign up for email updates. That way you won't miss any schedule changes or weather updates.
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- We do not record final scores or keep standings in this league.
- Changes made to the original schedule will be announced via email and marked on the schedule with a C in the C column. Rescheduled rain-outs are denoted by an R in that column.
- Click here to view this schedule on its own page.
- Click here to download this schedule as a PDF you can print.
9:49 AM

2017 Fall Ball Seniors Schedule
- Please remember to sign up for email updates. That way you won't miss any schedule changes or weather updates.
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- We do not record final scores or keep standings in this league.
- Changes made to the original schedule will be announced via email and marked on the schedule with a C in the C column. Rescheduled rain-outs are denoted by an R in that column.
- Click here to view this schedule on its own page.
- Click here to download this schedule as a PDF you can print.
9:43 AM

2017 Fall Ball Majors Schedule
- Please remember to sign up for email updates. That way you won't miss any schedule changes or weather updates.
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- We do not record final scores or keep standings in this league.
- Changes made to the original schedule will be announced via email and marked on the schedule with a C in the C column. Rescheduled rain-outs are denoted by an R in that column.
- Click here to view this schedule on its own page.
- Click here to download this schedule as a PDF you can print.
9:42 AM

2017 Fall Ball Coach-Pitch Schedule
- Please remember to sign up for email updates. That way you won't miss any schedule changes or weather updates.
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- We do not record final scores or keep standings in this league.
- Changes made to the original schedule will be announced via email and marked on the schedule with a C in the C column. Rescheduled rain-outs are denoted by an R in that column.
- Click here to view this schedule on its own page.
- Click here to download this schedule as a PDF you can print.
9:36 AM

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