- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange on the team schedule and will be announced via email.
- Be sure to scroll over to the right to see both umpire columns.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Weekly Umpire Schedule for Majors

Weekly Umpire Schedule for Minors
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange on the team schedule and will be announced via email.
- Be sure to scroll over to the right to see both umpire columns.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Field Location: Forest Hills Eastern High School
View Forest Hills Eastern High School in a larger map

Field Locations
We also have textual directions to every District 9 ballfield that you can print out here.
Here are some maps to away softball fields:
- Belding High School
- Belding Little League
- Caledonia Kraft Meadows
- Cat Fields
- East Rockford Middle School
- Forest Hills Eastern High School
- Forest Hills Northern High School
- Lowell Cherry Creek
- Lowell Creekside
- Manhattan
- Northeastern Aberdeen
- Northeastern Huff
- Northern
- Northview Airway
- Northview Crossroads
- Northview Quad
- Pinery Park
- Rockford High School
- Rockford River Valley

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sign Up for the 2009 Season
Here's what you need to know. Please take the time to read this information thoroughly.
- Deadline: You must sign up online or in person no later than March 15.
- Cost: $110 per player before the deadline. $125 after the deadline based on availability. This is the same cost as last year. (No player will be denied based on inability to pay. Please see our sign-up staff for details.)
- How to sign up: Online (click here) or at one of our in-person sign-up sessions at Breton Village Mall (click here). The cost is the same either way. You cannot sign up by mail. You can download the registration form here.
- Age eligibility and divisions: Read more here.
- Geographical boundary eligibility: See our official league boundaries here. You must reside within these boundaries or have played in Southern last year to be eligible.
- Tryouts: After signing up, players in certain situations MUST attend their player evaluation (aka "tryout") session. Click here for details.
- Umpiring: Anyone 13 years old or older who is reliable and passionate about baseball can earn some extra cash umpiring at Southern. Sign-ups for umpiring will be held after tryouts at 2:30 on Saturday, March 28, in the East Grand Rapids gym. Training will take place at a later date.
- Volunteering: Southern depends on volunteers for a wide variety of roles. Make sure to fill out a volunteer form when you sign-up. Learn more here.
- Important dates:
- In-person sign-up sessions: February 4, 7, 11 and 14
- Sign-up deadline: Saturday, March 15
- Player evaluation/tryout day: Saturday, March 28
- Clean-up day: Saturday, April 18, 9am (we need lots of volunteers)
- Practices begin: After March 29 (depends on coach)
- Games begin: Week of April 19
- Family day: Saturday, June 6 (volunteers needed)
- Our website: We make all our weather and schedule announcements and we keep all our schedules, results, standings and other information here on our website. So bookmark us! Better yet, make sure to stay on top of all the latest news by signing up for automatic email updates here. It really is the simplest way to make sure you don't miss an important announcement.
- Questions? Call Mark Norton at 954-0504. Make your message only your name and clearly state your phone number twice.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Message from League President Bob Hams
2008 was one of the best seasons ever for Southern. Under the direction of our President Bernie Malewitz, we saw some 775 boys and girls participate in baseball and softball. Bernie served for 3 years as league president and among many other programs, Bernie established a very successful and much needed raffle program, reinstituted the kick off meetings with the coaches and parents to organize the season and added many additional volunteers to help the program go smoothly.
2008 was also a successful season as for the huge financial responsibility of Southern. Many thanks go out to the sponsors, Jen Rowe and Marcia Lewis with the concession stand, John Belanger and the raffle staff, Julie Jager and the bingo staff and all of the other volunteers who combined to raise the funds needed to offset the estimated $310 per player it costs to run Southern Little League. Bernie has stepped down as President to concentrate on coaching and on watching his kids play all sports. The Southern board would like to thank Bernie immensely for his dedication to Southern. If you see Bernie this Summer please give him a nice thank you. Bernie will be remaining on the board as an adviser, and we look forward to working with him.
The Board of Directors has elected me as the next league president, and I began my term at the January 15, 2009, meeting.
The sign-ups for 2009 will start soon. Online sign-up will be available in the coming days and the in-person sign-ups will be held on several dates in February. Please watch this website (and your email if you are a subscriber) for information coming soon about sign-ups. All of the important dates will be included in the announcement, so don’t miss it. We are happy to announce that Southern will not need to raise fees this season as long as everyone continues to participate in fundraising and supports the concession stand. Fees will again be $110 per player.
Southern is working on improving its softball program and has secured Caledonia and Lowell as interleague partners for juniors and is working with Byron TSP, Northern, Northeastern and others as partners in the younger ages.
We look forward to a great 2009 season. See you at the sign-ups or at the fields.
Bob Hams
President, Southern Little League

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Reservations for Breton Downs South Practice Field
- This field is for all boys and girls teams up through the Major League level.
- This field is located here.
- Please limit your team to one reservation per week.
- Click here to refresh this page.
- To make a reservation, fill out the form below. Do not try to edit the spreadsheet above.
- You WILL need a password. Please DO NOT attempt to make a reservation without a password. Email webmaster@southernll.org to get your password.
- After you submit your reservation request, click here to refresh this page to see your name on the schedule in the requested slot.
- You may need to wait up to 5 minutes before your reservation appears. Keep clicking here to refresh. BE PATIENT! PLEASE DO NOT KEEP SUBMITTING MORE REQUESTS!
- If you decide you will not need a slot you have reserved, please remove your reservation so other coaches can reserve that spot.
- If you have questions or problems, email webmaster@southernll.org
Click here to refresh this page.

Reservations for Breton Downs North Practice Field
- This field is for all boys and girls teams up through the Major League level.
- This field is located here.
- Please limit your team to one reservation per week.
- Click here to refresh this page.
- To make a reservation, fill out the form below. Do not try to edit the spreadsheet above.
- You WILL need a password. Please DO NOT attempt to make a reservation without a password. Email webmaster@southernll.org to get your password.
- After you submit your reservation request, click here to refresh this page to see your name on the schedule in the requested slot.
- You may need to wait up to 5 minutes before your reservation appears. Keep clicking here to refresh. BE PATIENT! PLEASE DO NOT KEEP SUBMITTING MORE REQUESTS!
- If you decide you will not need a slot you have reserved, please remove your reservation so other coaches can reserve that spot.
- If you have questions or problems, email webmaster@southernll.org
Click here to refresh this page.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
78ers Standings
- We don't keep standings in the 78ers league, so here is a list of teams
- If you find this view of the standings inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here.

Minors Standings
- These standings are up to date to include all the scores that have been phoned in and appear on the schedule page. If you see a discrepancy in the standings, first check the schedule page to see if scores are missing. If scores are missing on the schedule page, contact your coach, NOT the webmaster.
- Family Day scores do not count in the standings.
- Click html to view the standings on their own page.
- Click here to download these standings as a PDF you can print.

Majors Standings
- These standings are up to date to include all the scores that have been phoned in and appear on the schedule page. If you see a discrepancy in the standings, first check the schedule page to see if scores are missing. If scores are missing on the schedule page, contact your coach, NOT the webmaster.
- If you find this view of the standings inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text

Juniors Standings
- These standings are up to date to include all the scores that have been phoned in and appear on the schedule page. If you see a discrepancy in the standings, first check the schedule page to see if scores are missing. If scores are missing on the schedule page, contact your coach, NOT the webmaster.
- If you find this view of the standings inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text

Seniors Standings
- These standings are up to date to include all the scores that have been phoned in and appear on the schedule page. If you see a discrepancy in the standings, first check the schedule page to see if scores are missing. If scores are missing on the schedule page, contact your coach, NOT the webmaster.
- If you find this view of the standings inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text

Seniors Schedule
- League Information: here
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- No makeup games due to lack of field availability.
- All games on the big field at Southern.
- If you see a discrepancy in the scores or missing scores, please contact your coach, NOT the webmaster. Games without a score in this schedule will not be included in the standings.
- Changes to the schedule are indicated by orange shading and are always announced via email.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Juniors Schedule
- League Information: here
- No makeup games due to lack of field availability.
- All games are played on the Henwood Field at Southern.
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- If you see a discrepancy in the scores or missing scores, please contact your coach, NOT the webmaster. Games without a score in this schedule will not be included in the standings.
- Changes to the schedule are indicated by orange shading and are always announced via email.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Majors Schedule
- League Information: here
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- If you see a discrepancy in the scores or missing scores, please contact your coach, NOT the webmaster. Games without a score in this schedule will not be included in the standings.
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange and will be announced via email.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Minors Schedule
- League Information: here
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- Notice the scores are shown in the rightmost column. (You may need to scroll over.)
- If you see a discrepancy in the scores or missing scores, please contact your coach, NOT the webmaster. Games without a score in this schedule will not be included in the standings.
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange and will be announced via email.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Big League Schedule
- League Information: here
- Changes to the schedule are indicated by orange shading and are always announced via email.
- All Sunday games are double-headers with home team alternating.
- The two teams from Southern are listed in the schedule as "So-Molegraaf" and "So-Vos".
- The Michigan District 9 website maintains maps to all the away fields.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

78ers Schedule
- League Information: here
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange and will be announced via email.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Weekly Umpire Schedule for Softball Juniors
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange on the team schedule and will be announced via email.
- Be sure to scroll over to the right to see both umpire columns.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Weekly Umpire Schedule for Softball Majors
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange on the team schedule and will be announced via email.
- Be sure to scroll over to the right to see both umpire columns.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Weekly Umpire Schedule for Softball Minors
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange on the team schedule and will be announced via email.
- Be sure to scroll over to the right to see both umpire columns.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Weekly Umpire Schedule for Seniors
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange on the team schedule and will be announced via email.
- Be sure to scroll over to the right to see both umpire columns.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Weekly Umpire Schedule for Juniors
- Changes made after April 15 to the original schedule are shaded in orange on the team schedule and will be announced via email.
- Be sure to scroll over to the right to see both umpire columns.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Softball Minors Schedule
- League Information: here
- Changes to the schedule are indicated by orange shading and are always announced via email.
- The Michigan District 9 website maintains maps to all the away fields: Lowell Creekside, Northeast Aberdeen (not Huff Park), Northview Airway.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Softball Majors Schedule
- League Information: here
- Changes to the schedule are indicated by orange shading and are always announced via email.
- The Michigan District 9 website maintains maps to all the away fields. We also have maps to the following fields: Lowell Creekside, Northeastern Aberdeen (not Huff Park), Northeastern FH Eastern, Northview Crossroads.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Softball Juniors Schedule
- League Information: here
- Changes to the schedule are indicated by orange shading and are always announced via email.
- The Michigan District 9 website maintains maps to all the away fields. We also have maps to the following fields: Caledonia Kraft Meadows, Lowell Cherry Creek, Lowell Creekside, Northeastern FH Eastern.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here: pdf html text.

Playing Fields
View Southern Fields in a larger map

2009 Tryout Schedule
First off, keep in mind that the term "tryout" here is a bit of a misnomer. It's actually more of an evaluation to help determine the appropriate league for each child. No one is omitted from participation based on this evaluation. We use the term "tryout" regardless, so bear with us.
To determine your child's official Little League Age, use their online age calculator here. Please use ONLY this official Little League age when considering which tryout session to attend.
All of the time slots listed below are for baseball. There will not be a softball tryout session this year.
Please notice that only kids in certain situations need to come to tryouts. Read the conditions below carefully. If you find that your child does not fit into any of these situations, then there's no need to come to tryouts. Get it? If you're still not sure, you can contact the director.
Here is the schedule for tryouts:
- Date: Saturday, March 28th
- Location: East Grand Rapids High School Gym. Because of the construction, please enter at the front door on Lake Drive.
- Please plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot.
- 9:00am-10:00am: all 9 yr olds (baseball)
- 10:30am-11:30am: all 10 yr olds (baseball) who were not in the majors last year and who wish to try out for majors this year. (For 10-yr-olds who were in minors last year and want to play in minors again this year, you do not need to attend the tryout.)
- 12:00pm-1:00pm: all 11 and 12 yr olds (baseball) who were not in the majors last year
- 1:30pm-2:30pm: all 13 and 14 yr olds (baseball) who were not in the juniors last year
- 2:30pm-3:00pm: umpire sign-up and meeting

Sign Up In Person for the 2009 Season
- Where: Breton Village Mall (near the fireplace)
- When:
- Wednesday, February 4th, 6-8pm
- Saturday, February 7th, 10am-noon
- Wednesday, February 11th, 6-8pm
- Saturday, February 14th, 10am-1pm
- Wednesday, March 4th, 6-8pm
- A parent or legal guardian must be present at sign-up.
- The child need not be present.
- Please bring a birth certificate to the sign-up. (We just need to see it; we don't keep it.)
- Cost is $110, payable by check or cash only.
- You can fill out the form on-site, or save time and print your own form to fill out before you come. Click here to download the form. Notice that you can type your info directly into the form before you print it. Please do not mail forms to us.
- If you plan to coach or volunteer in any way, you will need to fill out a volunteer form. Click here to download the volunteer form.

Sign Up Online for the 2009 Season
- DEADLINE IS MARCH 15! Online sign-up will close after the deadline.
- The cost is $110. After the deadline, the cost increases to $125.
- You can sign up and pay online by clicking here.
- Please note: The online sign-up is hosted by a third party (active.com). There have been reports of high volume on their site. Please keep trying. There is nothing the Southern webmaster can do about this.
- There is no additional fee for online sign-up. The cost is the same as in-person sign-up.
- New players who sign up online will need to bring their birth certificate to their tryout. We just need to see it. We won't keep it.