- Schedules and standings are available all season long. You can also see the final score of each game right on the schedule.
- Baseball coaches for Minors on up, please remember to phone in the score as soon as possible after each game. It's the only way we can keep the standings up to date.
- In case of bad weather, don't call your coach, and don't expect your coach to call you. Instead, check this website. When we do decide to cancel games because of weather, the very first thing we do is post an announcement on this website. If the webmaster is available, we also try to email all our subscribers, and we tweet to all our Twitter followers.
- We welcome your photos and stories on the Southern website. Feel free to send one or two photos and a one paragraph byline to the webmaster for publication.
- Support our advertisers. Southern does earn money every time you click on one of our Google ads. Along with our other fundraising efforts, it helps us keep the per player costs as low as possible.
- Parents, purchase after-game treat tickets for your child's team at the concession stand. Each $1 ticket buys $1.25 worth of goodies.
- With temperatures expected to reach 80 degrees, you'll want to try our new slushie machine!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Play Ball!
Friday is opening day at Southern Little League, with two games in the Majors and two in the Minors. Saturday we have a full slate of games in the Majors, Minors and 78ers. We'd like to remind you of a few things:
9:38 PM