- We'll be keeping this document up to date as last minute changes are made, so revisit and refresh to see the very latest. Notice the "Last updated" date and time in the table below. That will tell you the last time we imported the late registrations into our records.
- Trades are not final until approved by Bob Hams and reflected on these rosters.
- Once the season starts, continue to keep the webmaster informed of any trades and withdrawals. This is important for tracking returning players next season.
- Please do not circulate this link. We try to keep this information limited to coaches and staff.
- The rosters are grouped by Softball/Baseball, then sorted by age. Once coaches are assigned, they are sorted by division and coach.
- Click here to view or print the 2018 Summer rosters in your browser. Click here to download the 2018 Summer rosters as an Excel spreadsheet.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Official Rosters
Coaches, you can view the official team rosters including all player contact information right here on the website. Please email webmaster@southernll.org if you see any discrepancies or if you need to make any changes.
11:56 AM