Monday, May 17, 2010

Coaches: Reminder to Call in Scores

Hey, coaches. Thanks to those of you who have so diligently phoned in scores after your games. Our standings are up to date, and I know the kids appreciate that. In fact, the standings pages are the most popular pages on the entire website.

So how well have the coaches done in calling in scores?


Kudos to the following coaches who have not required nagging even once this season:
Juniors: Buffinga, VanScoyk & Vaughn
Majors: Henkey, Vulpetti, Combs, Sullivan, Vandenberge, Campbell/Norton, Markham & Ward
Minors: Billo, Sullivan, Berglund, O'Connor & Boender

Is your name not on this list? Then please take a moment to re-read the instructions for calling in game scores here.