Q: My son or daughter is in 9th grade but only league age 14, so he or she will miss half of the Little League season, right?
A: No! A player who is league age 14 and is playing freshman baseball or softball can play Senior League baseball or softball at Southern. Senior League starts after the High School Season and they won’t miss any games. (Click here to determine your child's league age.)
Q: If Senior League starts after the high school season, they don’t play as many games, right?
A: Incorrect! Senior League plays just as many games in a more condensed season.
Q: Does Senior League have team tournaments and all-stars?
A: Yes, they do, just like they do in the younger leagues.
Q: If my 14 year old plays Senior League is he or she still eligible to play Junior League All-Stars?
A: Yes! Any player league age 14 is eligible for Junior All-Stars.
Q: Can my 14 year old son or daughter play Senior League even if he or she doesn’t play high school ball?
A: No. Only those who play high school ball and therefore would miss many of the Junior League games can play in the Senior League.
Southern has a strong tradition of running the best Junior and Senior League programs in the area. Click here to sign up now to keep the tradition going!