- League Director: Jim Henwood
phone: 901-9896
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- If you see a discrepancy in the scores or missing scores, please contact your coach, NOT the webmaster. Games without a score in this schedule will not be included in the standings.
- Changes made after April 20 to the original schedule will be announced via email and marked on the schedule with a C in the C column. Rescheduled rain-outs are denoted by an R in that column.
- Family Day is Sat-2-Jun. Family Day games WILL count in the standings.
- Games rained out will not be made up due to lack of field space.
- The June 30 and July 2 games will be cancelled if District 9 decides to run team tournament early.
- Click here to view this schedule on its own page.
- Click here to download this schedule as a PDF you can print.
Friday, March 9, 2012
2012 Baseball Seniors Schedule
1:29 PM