Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Minors Baseball Realignment Finalized

We have added two more teams to the fall baseball minors division. This has resulted in a complete re-do of the schedule for that division also. We know it's inconvenient, but we're optimistic that players and families will understand that our motivation was to get more playing time for each player.

That said, please follow these steps to make sure you're at the right field at the right time on Sunday:
  • Start by looking thru the official rosters to determine which team your player is on. Keep in mind that part of this realignment meant moving some players to a different team. If you don't see your player on any of the teams, please double-check using the search feature (ctrl-F or cmd-F) on your browser before contacting Bob Hams at
  • Once you have determined which team your player is on, take a look at the revised schedule. Also bear in mind that we have had to move some games to Manhattan Park and JC fields. Click on those links if you're not sure where those fields are located.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Bob Hams at Thanks again for your cooperation and understanding.