Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Next Umpire Sign-up
The second of four umpire sign-ups is this Saturday morning, May 4, at 7:00am. Please have your baseball schedule handy to avoid any conflicts.
11:59 PM

Softball Minors and Majors Schedules Revamped
Due to a change in the set of teams in the league, the schedules for Softball Minors and for Softball Majors have been revamped. Rather than iterate all the changes, we ask that you just revisit the updated schedules. Sorry for the inconvenience.
11:59 PM

Schedule Change in Minors Softball: Sprague
We have made a change to the minors softball schedule:
- Team Sprague: The game originally scheduled for Wednesday, April 29, has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 4, at 1:30pm on Southern JC East.
8:39 AM

Schedule Change in Minors Baseball: Murphy/Force
We have made a change to the minors baseball schedule on Wednesday, May 1:
- Teams Murphy & Force: Instead of playing at 5:30pm, you will now play at 7:30pm.
8:39 AM

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Schedule Change in 78ers Softball: May 10/11, Couvreur/Ward
We have made a change to the 78ers softball schedule on May 10 & 11:
- Team Couvreur: Instead of playing on Friday, May 10, at 6:30pm, you will now play on Saturday, May 11, at 2:30pm on JC East.
- Team Ward: Instead of playing on Saturday, May 11, at 10:am, you will now play on Saturday, May 11, at 2:30pm on JC East.
11:59 PM

Schedule Change in Juniors Baseball: Murray/Lundeen/Winkle/Malewitz
We have made a change to the juniors baseball schedule on Monday, May 6, and Tuesday, May 7:
- Teams Murray & Lundeen: Instead of playing on May 6 at 7:30pm, you will now play on May 7 at 7:30pm.
- Teams Winkle & Malewitz: Instead of playing on May 7 at 7:30pm, you will now play on May 6 at 7:30pm.
11:59 PM

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Schedule Change in Majors Softball: Prince
We have made a change to the majors softball schedule on Monday, May 6:
- Team Prince: Instead of playing on May 6, you will now play on Saturday, May 18, at 3:15pm.
11:59 PM

All Games Canceled Tonight Tue-23-Apr
Because of the weather, all games for Tuesday, April 23, are canceled.
3:40 PM

Monday, April 22, 2013
Clarification About Raffle Tickets
We have received some questions asking whether raffle ticket holders need to be present to win. The tickets are printed correctly. You need NOT be present to win the raffle.
11:59 PM

2013 Softball 78ers Schedule Available
You can view those by clicking on the Schedules link on the right sidebar of the website. Or you can just click here. Schedules for other leagues will be published and announced as soon as they are available. Stay tuned.
3:16 PM

2013 Softball Majors Schedule Available
You can view those by clicking on the Schedules link on the right sidebar of the website. Or you can just click here. Schedules for other leagues will be published and announced as soon as they are available. Stay tuned.
9:59 AM

Schedule Change in Minors Softball: Sprague
We have made a change to the minors softball schedule on Saturday, April 27:
- Team Sprague: Instead of playing at 4:00pm, you will now play at 11:00am.
9:59 AM

Sunday, April 21, 2013
2013 Softball Minors Schedule Available
You can view those by clicking on the Schedules link on the right sidebar of the website. Or you can just click here. Schedules for other leagues will be published and announced as soon as they are available. Stay tuned.
10:16 PM

Schedule Change in Minors Baseball: Stadel/Force/Tucker/Kolk
We have made a change to the minors baseball schedule on Saturday, April 27:
- Teams Stadel & Force: Instead of playing at 6:30pm, you will now play at 12:30pm.
- Teams Tucker & Kolk: Instead of playing at 12:30pm, you will now play at 6:30pm.
5:27 AM

Saturday, April 20, 2013
8:30am and 9:00am Games Postponed Until Tonight
Due to the extreme cold this morning, we have postponed the 8:30am Maher vs O'Connor game in 78ers baseball. It will now take place at 6:30pm tonight on Southern's West field.
Also, the 9:00am Billo vs Passinault game in majors baseball has been postponed until 6:30pm tonight on Southern's East field.
We apologize for the inconvenience and late notice.
Also, the 9:00am Billo vs Passinault game in majors baseball has been postponed until 6:30pm tonight on Southern's East field.
We apologize for the inconvenience and late notice.
7:13 AM

Friday, April 19, 2013
Schedule Correction in Minors Baseball: Gardner/Westerbeke
We have made a correction to the minors baseball schedule on Friday, May 3:
- Teams Gardner & Westerbeke: Your 8pm game will be played on the West field, not on the East field as originally scheduled.
11:59 PM

Schedule Change in 78ers Baseball: Scofield/O'Connor
We have made a change to the 78ers baseball schedule on Family Day, Saturday, June 1:
- Team Scofield: Instead of a 4:00pm game vs Potter, you will now play Fox at 1:00pm.
- Team O'Connor: Instead of a 1:00pm game vs Fox, you will now play Potter at 4:00pm.
11:59 PM

Thursday, April 18, 2013
All Games for Fri-19-Apr Rescheduled for Sun-21-Apr
Due to the massive rainfall, we have rescheduled all of Friday's games for Sunday. If you had a game scheduled for Friday, it is now rescheduled for Sunday. Rather than list every rescheduled game here, please visit the Schedules page to find out your game's rescheduled time and field.
10:31 PM

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
2013 Baseball Juniors Schedule Available
You can view those by clicking on the Schedules link on the right sidebar of the website. Or you can just click here. Schedules for other leagues will be published and announced as soon as they are available. Stay tuned.
4:28 PM

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Boman Family Benefit
Family Benefit
In Loving Memory of Annie
Saturday, April 27th
The Orbit Room * 2525 Lake Eastbrook Blvd. SE
Silent Auction 7:30pm
Music by InDenial 9:00pm – 1am
Cash Bar * Snacks * 50/50
Admission: Free will donations
Must be 21 to enter
Questions or Silent Auction
Please contact Kim Malewitz
(446-3800), Sue Knappen (617-9753) or Missie Polakovich (460-1148).
Donations can also be made directly
to the “Annie Boman Charitable Fund”
(Chase Bank, 2263 Wealthy SE)
11:59 PM

Schedule Change in 78ers Baseball: Scofield/Henry
We have made a change to the 78ers baseball schedule on Thursday, April 25:
- Team Henry: Instead of a 4:30pm game vs Sova, you will now play Potter at 7:30pm.
- Team Scofield: Instead of a 7:30pm game vs Potter, you will now play Sova at 4:30pm.
11:59 PM

Schedule Change in Majors Baseball: Passinault/O'Connor,E/Jacobsen/Warners
We have made a change to the majors baseball schedule on Saturday, May 11:
- Teams O'Connor,E & Passinault: Instead of playing each other at 5pm, your game will now take place at 3pm.
- Teams Warners & Jacobsen: Instead of playing each other at 3pm, your game will now take place at 5pm.
11:59 PM

Umpire Sign-up Dates
Umpire sign-up dates have now been scheduled for this upcoming season. Any NEW umpire who completed a training session this past weekend and any RETURNING umpire who umpired minors or majors games last season can sign up for games starting this Saturday, April 20, at 7:00am. Please line up along the baseball office located behind Henwood Field and have your baseball or work schedule handy to avoid any conflicts. Future sign-up dates will be May 4, May 18, and June 1 and take place at the same time and location.
11:59 PM

Coaches: URGENT! EGR Parks Practice Policy
Coaches, the East Grand Rapids Parks Department has contacted us and asked that we IMMEDIATELY stop using any and all EGR parks for Southern practices EXCEPT those they have allotted to us. That means that unless you reserve your practice fields on the Southern website, you are NOT permitted to use any EGR parks or fields for practices.
Coaches are asked to immediately cancel any scheduled practices for these fields. If we do not comply, EGR has said they will cancel our allotment of practice slots at Breton Downs and Lakeside.
Please comply immediately. Questions? Contact Bob Hams.
Coaches are asked to immediately cancel any scheduled practices for these fields. If we do not comply, EGR has said they will cancel our allotment of practice slots at Breton Downs and Lakeside.
Please comply immediately. Questions? Contact Bob Hams.
3:04 PM

Coaches and Team Parent Meeting Thu-18-Apr
The Southern Little League Coaches and Team Parents meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 18, at 7:00pm at the East Grand Rapids Middle School cafeteria. This is a mandatory meeting for at least one coach from every team and a Team Parent from every team. (Just to clarify, the term "Team Parent" here does not mean every parent of every player. The "Team Parent" is the one parent on each team who has volunteered to help the coach organize the team's picture day, raffle sales, snack schedule, etc.) Topics will include picture day, raffle, sponsors, concession stand volunteers and general operating information for the 2013 season. We appreciate your attendance as this is the most important meeting of the year for organizational purposes.
8:30 AM

Games Start This Week!
The season begins this Friday, April 19, with a full slate of baseball games in Majors, Minors, and 78ers. Just a reminder that you can always see a combine schedule of all games at Southern coming up in the next week by clicking on the This Week at Southern link on the right sidebar.
8:29 AM

Friday, April 12, 2013
Schedule Change in 78ers Baseball: Scofield/Seth
We have made a change to the 78ers baseball schedule on Saturday, May 4:
- Team Seth: Instead of a 10am game vs Henry, you will now play O'Connor at 5pm.
- Team Scofield: Instead of a 5pm vs O'Connor, you will now play Henry at 10am.
11:59 PM

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
2013 Softball Juniors Roster Available
Softball players from Juniors have been assigned to their teams for the summer season. You can view those by clicking on the Rosters link on the right sidebar of the website. Or you can just click here. Coaches should be calling players any time now. If you have not heard from your coach by April 15, feel free to call your coach.
5:06 PM

Monday, April 8, 2013
New Umpire Training Session Dates and Time
All new 13-15 year old umpires must attend ONE of two scheduled training sessions before umpiring any minor league games this upcoming season at Southern. Any returning umpire is welcome as well but is not required to attend a session. The first session is scheduled for this Saturday, April 13, at 8:30 am. The second session is scheduled for this Sunday, April 14, at 8:30 am. Each of these sessions will go on rain or shine, last an hour and a half or less, and be conducted by Southern's umpire director, Jim Weiss. Plan on meeting Jim at the equipment shed/maintenance building which is located in the rear of Southern's complex and behind the minors and majors fields.
Call Jim at 520-1306 for any additional questions or bits of information regarding these sessions.
Call Jim at 520-1306 for any additional questions or bits of information regarding these sessions.
3:39 PM

2013 Baseball 78ers Schedule Available
You can view those by clicking on the Schedules link on the right sidebar of the website. Or you can just click here. Schedules for other leagues will be published and announced as soon as they are available. Stay tuned.
2:24 PM

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