- These are one-hour reservations.
- This field is for Softball, Junior and 78ers teams.
- The park is located here.
- Please limit your team to one reservation in each color-shaded one-week period.
- Make sure to include your email address and phone number in the comment so the webmaster can contact you with any questions.
- If you find this view of the schedule inconvenient and would prefer to download it, print it, or view it on its own, you can do that here.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Reservations for Field #2 at Manhattan Park (Softball, Juniors & 78ers)
Coaches, this is where we keep the official reservation schedule for Practice Field #2 at Manhattan Park. If you would like to add, change or delete a reservation, just leave a comment below, and the webmaster will incorporate it into the schedule for you, usually within a few hours.
11:03 AM