Southern needs your help!
Southern needs your help on Family Day. This is one of the best days of the year at Southern Little League. This day will not be a success without the help of volunteers.
A sign up board can be found at the concession stand. We need 8 volunteers for each 90 minute time slot. If you have not done this is in the past, please make the effort to do so this year.
With your help we can make this one of the best Family Days ever!
As you know,
"It's 90% about the kids.... and the other half is about playing ball."
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
We are happy to announce that the scoreboards in both the east and west fields are back in operation!
5:16 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Please Sign Up Now for Big League
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are all having a great high school season. It is time to sign up for Big League Baseball. Southern and District 9 boast the best Big League program in the state every year and one of the best in the country. The cost is only $150 and you will play approximately 20 games including a wooden bat tournament. The season starts after your high school playoffs. We should have two teams, and Mike Horjus and Max Wozniak will be coaching as well as some other high school assistant coaches. Please pass this info on to your high school teammates so they can sign up as well. Please sign up soon so we can finalize planning. Go to and look for the signup link on the right sidebar. You can contact Mike Schwenneker at 616-291-6431 or Bob Hams at 616-633-5495 with any questions. Good luck in the playoffs, and we will see you soon.
Mike Schwenneker
Bob Hams
We hope you are all having a great high school season. It is time to sign up for Big League Baseball. Southern and District 9 boast the best Big League program in the state every year and one of the best in the country. The cost is only $150 and you will play approximately 20 games including a wooden bat tournament. The season starts after your high school playoffs. We should have two teams, and Mike Horjus and Max Wozniak will be coaching as well as some other high school assistant coaches. Please pass this info on to your high school teammates so they can sign up as well. Please sign up soon so we can finalize planning. Go to and look for the signup link on the right sidebar. You can contact Mike Schwenneker at 616-291-6431 or Bob Hams at 616-633-5495 with any questions. Good luck in the playoffs, and we will see you soon.
Mike Schwenneker
Bob Hams
2:00 AM

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Schedule Change in 78ers Baseball: DeBoer, Sova, Scofield, Ferguson
We have made a change to the 78ers baseball schedule on Saturday, May 31:
- Teams DeBoer & Sova: Instead of playing at 3:30pm, you will now play at 5:15pm.
- Teams Scofield & Ferguson: Instead of playing at 5:15pm, you will now play at 3:30pm.
10:02 AM

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Schedule Change in Seniors Baseball: Henkey, Rohen, Grunewald, VandenBerge
We have made a change to the seniors baseball schedule on Wednesday, May 28:
- Teams Henkey & Rohen: Instead of playing at 5:30pm, you will now play at 7:30pm.
- Teams Grunewald & VandenBerge: Instead of playing at 7:30pm, you will now play at 5:30pm.
1:30 PM

Final Umpire Sign-up
The third and final umpire sign-up will be this Saturday, May 31, at 7:00am. Please have your own baseball schedule to avoid any conflicts.
2:00 AM

Saturday, May 24, 2014
All Fields are Closed
We are requesting that folks stay off the playing fields this weekend. Thanks.
4:57 PM

Friday, May 23, 2014
Baseball Seniors Roster and Schedule
We're all set for another exciting season of seniors baseball on the Henwood Field at Southern. You can take a look at the roster and schedule on the website. Games begin on Tuesday, May 27. Have a great season!
2:00 AM

Schedule Change in Majors Baseball: Stadel, Sullivan, Batka, Southerington
We have made a change to the majors baseball schedule:
- Teams Stadel & Sullivan: Instead of playing on Wednesday, June 4, at 7:30pm, you will now play on Monday, June 2, at 7:30pm.
- Teams Batka & Southerington: Instead of playing on Monday, June 2, at 7:30pm, you will now play on Wednesday, June 4, at 7:30pm.
2:00 AM

Time to Sign Up for Big League Baseball
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are all having a great high school season. It is time to sign up for Big League Baseball. Southern and District 9 boast the best Big League program in the state every year and one of the best in the country. The cost is only $150 and you will play approximately 20 games including a wooden bat tournament. The season starts after your high school playoffs. We should have two teams, and Mike Horjus and Max Wozniak will be coaching as well as some other high school assistant coaches. Please pass this info on to your high school teammates so they can sign up as well. Please sign up soon so we can finalize planning. Go to and look for the signup link on the right sidebar. You can contact Mike Schwenneker at 616-291-6431 or Bob Hams at 616-633-5495 with any questions. Good luck in the playoffs, and we will see you soon.
Mike Schwenneker
Bob Hams
We hope you are all having a great high school season. It is time to sign up for Big League Baseball. Southern and District 9 boast the best Big League program in the state every year and one of the best in the country. The cost is only $150 and you will play approximately 20 games including a wooden bat tournament. The season starts after your high school playoffs. We should have two teams, and Mike Horjus and Max Wozniak will be coaching as well as some other high school assistant coaches. Please pass this info on to your high school teammates so they can sign up as well. Please sign up soon so we can finalize planning. Go to and look for the signup link on the right sidebar. You can contact Mike Schwenneker at 616-291-6431 or Bob Hams at 616-633-5495 with any questions. Good luck in the playoffs, and we will see you soon.
Mike Schwenneker
Bob Hams
2:00 AM

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Schedule Changes in Juniors Baseball: Murray, Billo, Winkle, Hoppman
We have made a change to the juniors baseball schedule:
- Teams Murray & Billo: Instead of playing on Friday, May 30, at 6:00pm, you will now play at 5:30pm.
- Teams Winkle & Billo: Instead of playing on Saturday, June 7, at 10:45am, you will now play at 10:30am.
- Teams Murray & Hoppman: Instead of playing on Saturday, June 7, at 1:00pm, you will now play at 12:30pm.
2:00 AM

Monday, May 19, 2014
78ers, Minors & Majors Coaches: Practice Field Slots for This Week
We just acquired a few more practice field slots at Lakeside School for this week. A few reminders, since you've been asking:
We just acquired a few more practice field slots at Lakeside School for this week. A few reminders, since you've been asking:
- You may only use the practice fields at Lakeside and Breton Downs Schools if you have signed up for one of our slots. At all other times, EGR Parks & Rec does NOT want us on those fields.
- Batting cages at Southern no longer require signup. We're assuming you can all figure out how to share them nicely in the time before your game.
- Please, and this is IMPORTANT: Do NOT telephone EGR Parks & Rec for any reason. If you have questions or issues, please contact the webmaster or Mike Schwenneker.
Sign up for those new slots on the coaches page as usual. Be kind, not greedy.
10:22 AM

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Schedule Change in Majors Softball: Huey
We have made a change to the majors softball schedule:
- Teams Huey: Instead of playing on Monday, May 19, at 6:00pm, you will now play on Tuesday, May 20, at 6:00pm.
4:30 PM

Family Day Volunteer Signup
Family Day at Southern is on Saturday June 7, 2014.
Southern needs your help on Family Day. This is one of the best days of the year at Southern Little League. This day will not be a success without the help of volunteers.
A sign up board can be found at the concession stand. We need 8 volunteers for each 90 minute time slot. If you have not done this is in the past, please make the effort to do so this year.
With your help we can make this one of the best Family Days ever!
As you know, "It's 90% about the kids.... and the other half is about playing ball."
From: All the kids that play at Southern
Southern needs your help on Family Day. This is one of the best days of the year at Southern Little League. This day will not be a success without the help of volunteers.
A sign up board can be found at the concession stand. We need 8 volunteers for each 90 minute time slot. If you have not done this is in the past, please make the effort to do so this year.
With your help we can make this one of the best Family Days ever!
As you know, "It's 90% about the kids.... and the other half is about playing ball."
From: All the kids that play at Southern
2:00 AM

Friday, May 16, 2014
Schedule Change TOMORROW in 78ers Softball: Bolduc, Hildebrand
We have made a change to the 78ers softball schedule for tomorrow, Saturday, May 17:
- Team Bolduc: Instead of playing at 1:30pm on JC East, you will now play at 7:00pm at JC West.
- Team Hildebrand: Instead of playing at 3:30pm on JC East, you will now play at 5:30pm at JC West.
We apologize for the short notice.
4:50 PM

CORRECTION: Softball Minors
We incorrectly announced a change to the minors softball schedule. Please disregard that last announcement. The online schedule is correct. Here is the correct information:
- Team Sprague: Instead of playing on Thursday, June 12, at 6:00pm at Pinery #7, you will now on Friday, June 13, at 6:00pm at JC West.
- Team Koetje: Instead of playing on Friday, June 13, at 6:00pm at JC West, you will now on Thursday, June 12, at 6:00pm at Pinery #7.
2:00 AM

Seniors Baseball Signup Deadline is Sunday, May 18
Now is your last chance to sign up for Southern's Senior League Baseball. The deadline is May 18, after which you will be assessed a late fee.
Click here to sign up.
Click here to sign up.
2:00 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
2014 Softball Juniors Schedule Now Available
You can view online schedules by clicking on the Schedules link on the right sidebar of the website (
2:00 AM

Schedule Change in Minors Softball: Koetje, Sprague
We have made a change to the minors softball schedule:
- Team Koetje: Instead of playing on Thursday, June 12, at 6:00pm at Pinery #7, you will now on Friday, June 13, at 6:00pm at JC West.
- Team Sprague: Instead of playing on Friday, June 13, at 6:00pm at JC West, you will now on Thursday, June 12, at 6:00pm at Pinery #7.
2:00 AM

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Schedule Change in Minors Baseball: Westerbeke, Hall, Walters Kuzner
We have made a change to the minors baseball schedule on Saturday, May 17:
- Teams Westerbeke & Hall: Instead of playing at 7:00pm, you will now play at 3:00pm.
- Teams Kuzner & Walters: Instead of playing at 3:00pm, you will now play at 7:00pm.
2:00 AM

Schedule Changein 78ers Baseball: Stotts, VanGessel
We have made a change to the 78ers baseball schedule:
- Team Stotts: Instead of playing on Thursday, June 19, at 7:30pm, you will now on Tuesday, June 17, at 4:30pm play at 6:00pm versus Shelton.
- Team VanGessel: Instead of playing on Tuesday, June 17, at 4:30pm, you will now on Thursday, June 19, at 7:30pm versus Zimdar.
2:00 AM

Monday, May 12, 2014
All Games on JC Fields Canceled
All games scheduled for tonight on the JC fields are canceled. Games on the East, West, and Henwood fields are still on. Stay tuned for more updates.
4:25 PM

Friday, May 9, 2014
Schedule Change in 78ers Baseball: Doezema, Zimdar, Ferguson, Stotts
We have made a change to the 78ers baseball schedule on Thursday, May 15:
- Teams Ferguson & Stotts: Instead of playing at 7:30pm, you will now play at 6:00pm.
- Teams Doezema & Zimdar: Instead of playing at 6:00pm, you will now play at 7:30pm.
2:00 AM

Thursday, May 8, 2014
Saturday, May 10, is Picture Day
Sat-10-May is picture day.
- Each team has been given a specific time slot for pictures, and by now your coach or team parent should have contacted you about what time you need to be there. If not, please contact your team parent for details.
- There's also an opportunity for players to have individual pictures taken.
- Even if you're not planning on purchasing a team or individual photo, as a courtesy to others on the team, please make sure your child is present for the team picture anyhow.
- Pictures are taken over near the Mackay Jaycee soccer fields, under the pavilion in the woods, near the playground.
- They run a tight ship, so be on time for your team's scheduled slot.
- RAIN OR SHINE! Regardless of any possible weather-related game cancellations, picture day will go on as scheduled.
2:00 AM

Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Please Sign Up NOW for Seniors Baseball
It is now time to sign up for Southern's Senior League Baseball. The deadline is May 18, after which you will be assessed a late fee.
Click here to sign up.
Click here to sign up.
2:00 AM

Next Umpire Sign-up
The second of three umpire sign-ups will be at the usual location this Saturday, May 10, at 7:00am. Please have your baseball schedule handy to avoid any conflicts.
2:00 AM

Saturday, May 3, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
Schedule Change in Majors Baseball: Passinault, Sullivan
We have made a change to the majors baseball schedule:
- Teams Passinault & Sullivan: Instead of playing on Tuesday, May 6, at 5:30pm, you will now play on Sunday, May 4, at 4:00pm.
2:00 AM

Schedule Change in Majors Baseball: Bernecker, Lee
We have made a change to the majors baseball schedule:
- Teams Bernecker & Lee: Instead of playing on Monday, May 19, at 7:30pm, you will now play on Sunday, May 18, at 4:00pm.
2:00 AM

Thursday, May 1, 2014
Important Announcement
We are saddened to announce that Bob Hams has resigned his position as Southern Little League President, effective immediately. Due to work reasons, Bob has made the decision that he no longer has the considerable time that it takes to run the best little league in the state.
We would like to thank Bob for all he has done for so many children over the last 25 plus years with his involvement with Southern Little League. Bob is the definition of what it means to be a volunteer. He has given our children so much over the years with his countless hours of work. It is an incredibly time-demanding and thankless job to run a league with over 700 players. Bob has done this for many, many years without being paid. He generously gave freely of his time for the love of the game and, most importantly, to give our children the best experience possible. He will continue to help out the league on a behind-the-scenes basis as his schedule permits. When you see Bob at Southern this spring/summer, please thank him for all he has done. His contributions are immeasurable.
Joe Mead will take over the presidency on an interim basis.
The season is off to a good start and we look forward to another great year. Please follow Bob’s lead and volunteer your time at Southern when you can.
The Board of Southern Little League
We would like to thank Bob for all he has done for so many children over the last 25 plus years with his involvement with Southern Little League. Bob is the definition of what it means to be a volunteer. He has given our children so much over the years with his countless hours of work. It is an incredibly time-demanding and thankless job to run a league with over 700 players. Bob has done this for many, many years without being paid. He generously gave freely of his time for the love of the game and, most importantly, to give our children the best experience possible. He will continue to help out the league on a behind-the-scenes basis as his schedule permits. When you see Bob at Southern this spring/summer, please thank him for all he has done. His contributions are immeasurable.
Joe Mead will take over the presidency on an interim basis.
The season is off to a good start and we look forward to another great year. Please follow Bob’s lead and volunteer your time at Southern when you can.
The Board of Southern Little League
10:11 PM

Schedule Change in Baseball Minors: Force, Burns, Hall, Walters
We have made a change to the minors baseball schedule on Monday, May 19:
- Teams Force & Burns: Instead of playing at 4:30pm, you will now play at 7:30pm.
- Teams Hall & Walters: Instead of playing at 7:30pm, you will now play at 4:30pm.
2:00 AM

Schedule Change in 78ers Baseball: Ferguson, Doezema
We have made a change to the 78ers baseball schedule:
- Team Ferguson: On Thursday, May 6, you will now play at 6:00pm.
- Team Doezema: On Thursday, May 6, you will now play at 4:30pm.
2:00 AM

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