Friday, April 9, 2010

Coaches: New Practice Field Reservation Slots Now Available

Coaches, we have managed to claim another two hours of practice field time at the Lakeside and Breton Downs fields. We have all four of those fields now on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-8pm. The online reservations system now shows these new slots. We have also extended the schedule for these fields through the first week of June. Please be considerate and reserve only one slot per week. And remember, too, to wait the five minutes after making your reservation before making another one.

We also have a new letter of permission from the city of East Grand Rapids that lists the times when those fields are available for Southern's exclusive use. You can find that on the same page where you make field reservations. We recommend you print that letter and keep it with you in case there's another group at one of those fields during your scheduled practice time.