- League Director: Bob Hams
email: bhams "at" roofmelt.com (replace "at" with @)
phone: 633-5495
- Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.
- Changes to this schedule will typically NOT be announced ont he website.
- We will use high school rules for Big League.
- Each team is to provide 3 high school approved baseballs for each home game.
- Double headers are denoted by DH in the schedule. Home team flip flops after game 1.
- Please DO NOT FORFEIT. Get league age players to fill in if you are going to be short players.
- Click here to view this schedule on its own page.
- Click here to download this schedule as a PDF you can print.
Friday, February 1, 2013
2013 Baseball Big League Schedule
11:16 PM